Stressing the right syllables in songwriting

To stress or not to stress that is the question!

Songwriters Association of Canada

by Debra Alexander

As Week Four unfolds for the participants of Challenge 2013, some who were on the scene of Canadian Music Week in Toronto found themselves juggling the demands of their Songwriting course assignments with those of the CMW Conference, and used events like the Songwriter’s Association of Canada’s Words and Music: Songwriters’ Listening Session and the S.A.C. Songwriters’ Green Room mentoring sessions to put their songwriting chops to the test. Songwriters hoping to earn an income from the fruits of their labour know that writing great songs is only half their job, and that the other 50% of the job involves networking, in all the myriad forms networking now takes.

Many panelists at the Conference repeatedly pointed out the importance of writing a great song, and noted that everything begins with an undeniable, somewhat undefinable combination of words and music, delivered in an appropriate production package. Our Coursera…

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Challenge 2013

Where are you in your songwriting journey? What do you hope to gain from participating in this challenge?
I am in the middle of my songwriting journey, I have written quite a few songs and enjoy the process and results. I hope to gain a better insight as how to craft better and stronger songs and decrease the guessing and lag times between songs.

Excellent info for all!

WordMavenMusic's Blog

I am so blessed to have the most talented and amazing students! They make my world go ’round. I thought I’d introduce them periodically, and let them tell you what they’re up to, as well as talk about how we work together.

First, just because she has a big show coming up this weekend, is Lexi Tellings. Here’s where you can find out about her upcoming show and hear samples of her songs. I have a blast working with Lexi, because it’s so fun to translate dance-based pop tunes into piano/vocal arrangements. Our goal is to expand Lexi’s live opportunities, and move into venues that prefer instrumental performances rather than performances to tracks. We also want to develop a good bag of music theory tools to help with composition before, during, and after studio writing sessions with producers. Keep your eyes & ears open for Lexi Tellings! Here’s Lexi’s take on…

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